首页> 中文期刊>渔业现代化 >主要微生态菌在水质净化技术中的研究进展




This paper reviewed the applications of the main probiotics in water purification technology. By analyzing and summarizing the present situation at home and abroad, the present paper revealed that the probiotics had seldom been applied in aquaculture wastewater treatment system with the properties of high nitrogen, high phosphorous and low heavy metal. Several probiotics which have better effects on purifying the aquaculture wastewater were introduced, such as Bacillus subtilis, nitrifying bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria and yeast ( Saccharomyces) . In addition, the present paper also introduced the application status of compound bacteria. Based on the descriptions of the principle and mechanism of probiotics, the application and treatment effects of probiotics in different water systems were summarized. Through the analysis of the application of probiotics in aquaculture wastewater treatment, compound bacteria were proposed to solve the problem. But above all, the key was to screen bacteria and determine the optimum ratio of compound bacteria.%综述了主要微生态菌在水质净化技术中的应用。通过对国内外研究现状的总结和分析,可知微生态菌在养殖污水处理系统中的应用较少,并且养殖污水不同于其他污染水体,具有高氮、高磷和低重金属等特征。重点介绍了几种在养殖污水处理中效果较好的菌种,如枯草芽孢杆菌( Bacillus subtilis)、硝化细菌( Nitrifying bacteria)、光合细菌( Photosynthetic bacteria)和酵母菌( Saccharomyces)等,此外还对混合菌种的应用现状进行了总结和分析。在对菌种处理污水的原理和机制进行描述的基础上,总结了菌种在不同水体系统中的应用及处理效果。通过对微生态菌处理养殖污水现状的分析,提出了微生态菌在养殖污水处理系统中的应用应朝着复合微生态菌的研究方向发展,其中关键环节为菌种的筛选和复合微生态菌最佳配比的确定。



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