首页> 中文期刊>爆破器材 >铝粉比表面积与质量分数对浆状温压炸药爆炸冲击波影响的实验研究




Fifteen kinds of slurry TBE were fabricated by using IPN as energetic liquid composition, LiF as inert material, and aluminum powder FLQT-4, FLQ56 and FLQ355A. Air burst experiments were carried out in a half-confined explosion chamber to reveal the influence of specific surface area and particle size of aluminum powder on the shock wave output in view of overpressure and impulse. The result shows that peak overpressure and impulse decrease with the increase of aluminum specific surface area, while an increase in aluminum content leads to decreased overpressure and increased impulse. For the formula of IPN and FLQ355A, the peak overpressure of shock wave reaches to the maximum value with the addition of 60% aluminum powder, and the impulse increases linearly with the addition of aluminum powder in a range of 40% -80%.%将IPN作为含能液体组分,LiF作为惰性填充物质,利用FLQT—4、FLQ56和FLQ355A 3种牌号铝粉,配备了15种浆状温压炸药.在一半密闭爆炸室中进行空中爆炸实验,从冲击波超压和冲量两个方面讨论了铝粉比表面积和质量分数对实验装药冲击波输出的影响.结果表明:铝粉比表面积增大,冲击波峰值超压和冲量减小,铝粉质量分数增大,超压减小,冲量增大;对于只含有IPN和FLQ355A铝的配方,加入60%铝粉,冲击波峰值超压达到最大值,铝粉质量分数在40%~ 80%之间时,冲量随着铝粉质量分数的增加而呈线性增加.



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