首页> 中文期刊> 《实验科学与技术》 >《大学物理实验》课程考试改革的探索




《大学物理实验》考试是检验学生实验能力的重要标志,采取行之有效的考试方法是提高学生的动手能力,创造性和积极性的重要标志。因此针对《大学物理实验》课程考试中存在的问题,根据教育测量的理论,结合南京邮电大学《大学物理实验》课程的教学实际,我们提出了《大学物理实验》课程考试改革的具体措施即把学生成绩分为平时成绩、理论考试成绩和操作成绩三部分进行考核,从而准确真实的反应学生的水平。%Examination of college physics experiment is one of the important tools to test students' experimental ability, thus, it will be significantly helpful to take effective way of testing to improve students' ability, creativity, and enthusiasm of doing physics experi- ments. In order to solve the existing problems in examination in college physical experiment, detailed means to reform examination are put forward according to the principles of education measure and situation of college physical experiment teaching in Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Specifically, students are evaluated in terms of regular grade, score of theory examination, and operation grade, which can realistically reflect students' level.



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