首页> 中文期刊>证据科学 >民事庭审质证的基本要素研究




The evidence examination in civil trials is a trial process presided by the judge, during which both parties could present and rebut evidence in regard to the probative value or the admissibility of evidence. The evidential examination consists of four elements, including the subject, the object, the content and the method. The subject of evidence examination in civil trials includes not only both parties, but also the witness in broad sense. The object refers to the evidence challenged by either party. Widening or narrowing too much the scope of the object can damage either the value of justice or efifciency. The content of evidence examination in civil trials should be limited to examining authenticity, relevancy and legality of evidence. The objectivity of the evidence lacks practicability in evidence examination. Examining the sufifciency of the evidence is meaningless unless it is used to test the chain of custody. The method means how to examine the evidence. It differs from the fundamental work prepared for evidence examination. It should be deifned as trial advocacy on the probative value or admissibility of the evidence.%民事庭审质证是质证双方在法庭主持下就证据的证明力和可采性进行相互辩驳的诉讼行为,其基本要素包括质证主体、质证客体、质证内容和质证方式四个方面。质证主体应是证据或其形成过程的认识者、质证意思的独立表示者、质证程序的参与者、质证行为的实施者、与质证相关的程序性权利的享有者或程序性义务的承担者,其不但包括当事人,而且包括广义上的证人。质证客体的范围应限于“当事人提出质疑的证据”,过宽或过窄均不利于兼顾司法公正的实现和诉讼效率的提升。质证内容应限于证据的真实性、关联性和合法性三个方面,证据的客观性缺乏质证意义,充分性只有在证据链中才有质证意义。质证方式亦即质证的行为方式,其有别于质证的基础性工作,是质证双方针对证据的证明力及其可采性展开的法庭论辩。



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