首页> 中文期刊>证据科学 >我国行政司法运行情况的实证评估




行政司法程序对于审查行政执法行为合法性、保障行政行对人的合法权益具有重要意义。我国的行政诉讼实践能够在多大程度上实现行政司法程序的制度价值,可以通过实证评估的方法进行测量。中国司法文明指数报告项目的调研数据,反映了我国行政诉讼在及时受理起诉、符合程序公正、有效执行裁判、提供有效诉讼救济等方面的情况。通过对调研数据进行挖掘可以发现,行政司法程序的运行情况与法官形象之间存在正关联,对于这种关联可以进行多种解释。对于行政司法程序的评估,不同职业群体之间存在差异,这可以解释为视角偏差、社会信息供给负面化等原因。%Administrative judicial procedure is significantly important for reviewing the legitimacy of administrative act and protecting the legitimate interest of counterparts. It can be measured through some empirical study that, to what extent Chinese administrative judicial practice realizes these purposes. The data collected by China Justice Index Project reflects the situation of the aspects in administrative litigation such as, accepting the case timely, conforming to procedural justice, executing the verdict efifciently, and providing effective legal remedy. A further data mining suggests that, the situation of administrative judicial practice is relevant to the evaluation on judge. Specifically, breach to the administrative justice will lower the social evaluation on judge. There are many explanations for this. People of different career have distinction in their evaluation of administrative justice, which may be attributed to perspective difference or negative information-supply.



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