首页> 中文期刊> 《环境科技》 >讨论用ICP-AES测定土壤和沉积物时钛对钴的干扰




ICP-AES是土壤和沉积物中重金属理想的分析方法,很多元素通过四酸法全消解后用其测定都可以得到理想的结果。通过实验发现经过四酸法全消解土壤或沉积物,用ICP-AES同时测定多个元素时,元素钴的测定结果偏高,有时结果偏高近1.5倍。元素钛在228.616 nm(钴的第1谱线)处有一个强干扰,造成对元素钴的测定结果偏高,通过实验发现元素钛对钴的干扰会随着钛和钴含量比例不同而不同。用三酸处理样品,用火焰原子吸收方法做样,对于土壤和沉积物中元素钴的测定可以得到较好的结果。%ICP-AES is the ideal analytical method in the determination of metals in soils and sediments. When multi-elements in samples of soils and sediments are determined after the digestion with four kinds of acids, the ideal results could be obtained. In this paper, the higher concentration of cobalt than the standard is found and sometimes the concentration of cobalt is 1.5 times higher than the standard. That result is caused by the positive interference of titanium, the interference contribution is changed with the difference of the concentration ratio of Ti and Co. The method of pre-treatment of using HNO3、HF and HClO4 is adopted , the determination of cobalt in soils and sediments is well done using the flame atomic absorption spectrometry.



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