首页> 中文期刊> 《化工环保》 >铅蓄电池生产企业的清洁生产审核




介绍了某铅蓄电池生产企业按照清洁生产审核程序的7个阶段开展的清洁生产审核工作,分别对企业含铅废气、含铅废水和含铅危险废物污染源进行了排查,采用铅平衡核算、与清洁生产标准进行指标对比等方法查找问题并进行原因分析,提出改进方案.实施清洁生产方案后企业废水产生量为0.10 m3/(kV·A·h)(以生产单位电功率铅蓄电池产生的废水量计),总铅产生量为0.35 g/(kV·A·h),铅尘处理系统除尘效率达98%以上,年减少含铅废酸液产生量50 t,年减排铅尘3.2 kg,年节约成本50万元以上.%Candida tropicalis; ramie; bio-degumming; fermentation; single cell protein; wastewater treatmenttrnThe cleaner production audit of a lead-accumulator production enterprise is introduced, which is carried out according to the seven processes of cleaner production audit. The pollution sources of lead-containing waste gas, wastewater and hazardous wastes in the enterprise are screened. The problems and the causes are found and analyzed by the aid of lead balance calculation, index comparison with cleaner production standards and so on. After that, the improvement scheme is put forward. With the practice of the cleaner production scheme, the wastewater amount of the enterprise is 0.10 mV(kV·A h), the total Lead production is 0.35 g/(kV· A· h), the dust removal efficiency is over 98%. The reductions of waste leadcontaining acidic liquor and lead dust are 501 and 3.2 kg per year respectively. More than 500 000 yuan per year of cost is saved.



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