首页> 外文会议>Annual conference of the International Society of Exposure Science >Exposure to Lead from Used Lead-Acid Battery Recycling in Low- and Moderate-Income Countries

Exposure to Lead from Used Lead-Acid Battery Recycling in Low- and Moderate-Income Countries




Exposure to lead impacts the health of millions of people in low- and moderate-income countries (LMICs), with children often most impacted. One of the largest greatest sources of lead exposure is recycling of used lead-acid batteries (ULABs) from cars, trucks and motorbikes. Because lead is Due to lead's intrinsic valuable, almost all ULABs are recycled. In low- and moderate-income countries (LMICs), this is often done in small-scale shops in the informal economy. Large numbers of people are exposed to lead from these shops because there are thousands of them, they are commonly located in residential areas, and they they most often have poor controls for smelting smoke, dust, worker hygiene and waste disposal. Pure Earth has evaluated over 500 active and former ULAB sites in 33 LMIC countries around the world, with a particular focus on Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Indonesia and , Kenya and the Philippines. Pure Earth has also developed estimates for the number of ULAB shops based on the number of batteries motor vehicle in use and the average battery life in LMICs. Based on this work, the total number of active or closed ULAB shops in LMICs is estimated to be in excess of 102,5000, and there are thousands more now-closed ULAB sites that continue to present lead exposure risks. Over 6nearly 2 million. Over 7,000,000 people are estimated to be at risk due to lead exposure from these shops. Many of these the affected people are children, and blood lead levels for people living in children around such shops is are often >40 ug/dLI, compared to a WHO CDC actionable level of 5 ug/dl. This paper will review the data known about ULAB shops and people whose health is impacted by them. Examples of ULAB recycling sites in Asia, Africa and Latin America will be shown, along with a brief review and examples of how such sites can be efficiently evaluated and remediated.
机译:暴露于铅会影响数百万人在低收入和中等收入国家(LMIC)的健康,儿童往往受到影响最大的影响。最大的铅曝光来源之一是从汽车,卡车和摩托车的使用铅酸电池(ULAB)回收。因为铅是由于铅的内在价值,但几乎所有ulabs都被回收。在低收入国家(LMIC)中,这通常在非正规经济中的小型商店完成。由于有成千上万的人,他们通常位于住宅区,他们最常对熔烟,灰尘,工人卫生和废物处理的储存,他们通常具有较差的控制。纯地在全球33个LMIC国家进行了500多个活跃和前ULAB站点,特别关注孟加拉国,加纳,印度,印度尼西亚和肯尼亚和菲律宾。纯地还根据使用的电池机动车辆数量和LMIC中的平均电池寿命,为ULAB商店数量的估计进行了估计。基于这项工作,估计LMIC中的活跃或封闭ulab商店的总数超过102,5000,并且存在数千个现在封闭的ulab网站,继续呈现铅暴露风险。超过6年度200万。由于这些商店的铅曝光,超过7,000,000人估计有风险。其中许多受影响的人是儿童,留在这些商店周围儿童的人的血铅水平往往是> 40 UG / DLI,而50款CDC可操作水平为5 UG / DL。本文将审查关于ulab商店和人们对其影响的人所知的数据。亚洲,非洲和拉丁美洲的ulab回收站的例子将显示,以及简要审查,以及如何有效地评估和修复这些网站的例子。



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