


Recently, I have been thinking a lot about the value of work and how it relates to the so-called “purpose” of life, if we can re-ally call it that. My mom and I have had many lengthy discussions on why it is impor-tant to have obstacles in the course of one ’s life in order to feel like one has had a mean-ingful existence. I have been fortunate enough to have been born to two intelligent individu-als who have strived to make a difference in the world. Consequently, I have been able to live comfortably off of their hard work and accomplishments. Moreover, I have been able to attend a wonderful school without any fi-nancial worries that may prevent others from having the same privilege. The gift my parents have given me is the opportunity to receive a fantastic education, but it is up to me to make my own decisions and work hard after that. 近来,我一直在思考关于工作的价值以及它与所谓的生活“目标”之间的关系,假设真能这么表达的话。关于一个人只有在生活中经历种种磨难才能使自己的生命变得更有意义的原因,我和妈妈进行过多次深入探讨。我的父母都才华横溢,他们通过自己的努力来改变这个世界,出生在这样的家庭我真是太幸运了。由于她们的辛勤劳动和丰硕成果,我才能够过上富足的生活。而且,我还能没有任何后顾之忧地进入一所好学校,而学费问题可能剥夺很多人的这项权利。父母赐予我的礼物就是给我机会让我接受最好的教育,但之后就该由我自己做决定,然后为之努力奋斗。



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