首页> 中文期刊>工程塑料应用 >一种用于电子烟烟弹的多孔导电复合材料




To eliminate toxic metals brought by leaching of heating coil metals and harmful carbonyl compounds generated by oxidation of e-liquid surrounded the heated heating coil in e-cigarettes aerosols,carbon fiber (CF) filled low-density polyethylene (PE-LD) porous composite with self-temperature-control heating property and nonmetallic fillers was prepared by using a combined technique of injection molding and particulate leaching. The results show that this porous composite is a hybrid of CF and PE-LD,its main pore diameter is around 1-2 μm and its effective porosity is 23.79%. Its positive temperature coefficient (PTC) effect is strong and its PTC intensity is about 1.82,its highest self-heating temperature is about 68.4℃,its highest self-heating temperature (43.5℃ ) after loading nicotine is far below the boiling point (132℃ ) of the glycol/water mixture,indicating theoretically that harmful car-bonyl compounds can be eliminated,its released concentration of nicotine can keep constant for a long time and the released concen-tration of nicotine is around 1.6 μg/mL. These results indicate that this porous composite can replace the traditional cartomizer for e-cigarettes.%采用注射成型工艺和微粒浸出技术成功制备了碳纤维填充低密度聚乙烯(PE-LD/CF)多孔复合材料,其具有自限温性能且不含金属成分,用作电子烟烟弹可以有效消除传统电子烟线圈浸出的重金属离子和丙二醇受热氧化产生的有毒羟基化合物的危害.研究结果表明,PE-LD/CF多孔复合材料仅仅是CF和PE-LD的简单混合物,其主要孔隙直径约为1~2μm,有效孔隙率为23.79%.PE-LD/CF多孔复合材料具有明显正温度系数(PTC)效应且PTC强度约为1.82,其自发热最高温度为68.4℃,且其加载尼古丁后自发热最高温度(43.5℃)远低于丙二醇溶液沸点(132℃),理论上可以消除传统电子烟产生的羟基化合物的危害,其尼古丁释放浓度能在较长时间内保持稳定且释放量约为1.6μg/mL.结果表明,这种多孔复合材料可以取代传统电子烟烟弹.



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