首页> 中文期刊> 《电子与封装》 >一种微波连接器大面积接地钎焊实现方法




Using welding method to implement the connection between microwave linker and substrate not only can achieve mechanical join but also can accomplish microwave linker shell to ground truly, and it will be adapt to the require of high frequency microwave application completely. The paper analyse the welding process of vertical join between a typical linker and substrate, and using high frequency welding and resistance welding to come true, then using X-Ray to detect the percent of air hole and assay it, by testing the mechanics capability of the join, we know that the two method both can fulfil the connection by using correctly control of the process.%  使用钎焊工艺实现微波连接器与基板互联,不但可以实现微波连接器与基板之间的机械连接,也可以实现微波连接器外壳可靠接地,使连接器装配更好地适应高频微波电路的要求。文章针对一种典型的连接器与基板垂直连接试件的焊接工艺分析,使用感应焊和电阻焊两个方法实现工艺过程,通过X射线检测钎透率,进行失效分析,并经过焊缝力学性能测试表明,通过恰当的工艺工程控制,两种方法均能够满足焊接要求。



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