首页> 中文期刊>经济理论与经济管理 >新时期新国企的新改革思路——国有企业分类改革的逻辑、路径与实施




社会主义市场经济体制的性质决定了国有经济与民营经济不应是相互排斥的,而是可以共同发展的,关键是确认它们在各自适宜发展的领域发挥作用.本文从产品性质及行业特性两个维度来客观制定功能导向的分类方法,以此来对不同类型的国有企业选择不同的改革模式.即提供公共产品的国有企业宜选择国有国营模式,垄断性国有企业宜选择国有国控模式,竞争性国有企业一部分宜进行产权多元化的股份制改造,一部分宜实行民营化.在分类改革原则下推进国有企业的混合所有制改革,在公共产品领域推进"长期导向"下的混合,在自然垄断领域推进"控制权导向"下的混合,在竞争性领域推进"流动性导向"下的混合,同时构建与国企分类改革战略相适应的国有资产监管体制.在利益相关者合作逻辑下,分类分层推进国有企业治理结构的创新,并分类构建国有企业经营者的激励机制.%The nature of the socialist market economic system determines that the state-owned economy and the private economy should not be mutually exclusive,but can be developed together.The key is to confirm that they play a role in their respective areas of development.This report objectively develops the function-guided classification method from the product nature and industry characteristics,in order to provide different types of state-owned enterprises with different models of reform.That is,state-owned enterprises providing public goods should choose state-owned-state-operated mode.State-owned monopoly enterprises should choose state-owned-state-control mode.Part of the competitive state-owned enterprises should get shareholding system reform with diversified property rights,and part of them should be privatized.Promote the mixed ownership reform of state-owned enterprises under the principle of classification reform,which means promoting the long-term-guided mixed ownership reform in the public goods areas,promoting the control-right-guided mixed ownership reform in the natural monopoly areas,promoting the liquidity-guided mixed ownership reform in the competitive areas,and establishing a state-owned assets supervision system compatible with the classification and reform strategy of state-owned enterprises.Moreover,under the logic of stakeholder cooperation,promote the innovation of the governance structure of state-owned enterprises with classification and stratification,and construct the incentive mechanism of state-owned enterprise operators with classification.



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