首页> 中文期刊>敦煌研究 >《敦煌艺术画库》的概况及学术史价值




The series Collected Works of Dunhuang Art is the first set of picture books published by the Re-search Institute of Dunhuang Cultural Relics in 1957 to 1959. Thirteen volumes were planned for publishing (though only twelve volumes were published) , the full set containing 270 pictures of wall paintings and plates of statues and, adding the prefaces of each volume, text totaling 50,000 words. Including both essays and illustra-tions, this series well introduces Dunhuang cave art and represents the academic level of the Research Institute of Dunhuang Cultural Relics at that time. This paper examines the contents, value, and publishing context of the series.%《敦煌艺术画库》丛书是敦煌文物研究所1957—1959年出版的第一套分类画册,计划出版13册,实际出版了12册,共有壁画和塑像图版270余幅,各册序言文字合计约5万字,图文并茂地介绍了敦煌石窟艺术,代表了当时敦煌文物研究所的学术水平。本文旨在对这套丛书的出版背景、内容和价值等进行考察。



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