首页> 中文期刊> 《高能物理(英文)》 >Standard Model Review and a New 5D Multi-Brane Proposition

Standard Model Review and a New 5D Multi-Brane Proposition



Based on a comprehensive review of mainly the non-quantum aspects of the standard model of cosmology, the 5 dimensional models, and the analysis here, we propose a 5 dimensional model with expanding 4D multi-branes. A review of the standard model in the context of many new developments and discoveries in cosmology in the recent times, such as the accelerated expansion of the universe, Plank cosmic microwave measurements, dark energy survey, Hubble tension etc. tends to indicate that the standard model is essentially a patchwork of different theoretical models that have been pieced together in an attempt to explain different aspects of the astrophysical observations, which do not necessarily emanate from a full end-to-end understanding of a physical process. The purpose of each individual theoretical piece such as “inflation” is limited to providing an explanation to the problem area or a gap in our understanding. A number of new theories such as the five-dimensional universe, the bulk and brane, extended theories of gravity, and conformal cyclic cosmology offer alternate ways of addressing the existential aspects of the universe but these models too remain hypothetical with shortcomings and a lack of conclusive evidence. The model proposed by us, presents a way forward in addressing dark matter and dark energy as manifestations of the multiple underlying branes in the aftermath of the big-bang. In the process, we present a theorem of the dimensionality of the expanding universe, which necessitates the need for at least one more dimension in addition to the 4 dimensions of spacetime. While carrying out the review of the standard model, we present new analysis and facts that strengthen the case for the 5th dimension. According to the multi-brane hypothesis presented here, our observed universe could be one of the many branes, and it is more likely than not that in the aftermath of the big-bang that generated our brane, more branes were generated, which further points towards a much more prolonged big-bang event than what has been the perception so far.



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