首页> 中文期刊> 《病毒学报》 >严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)冠状病毒抗体的检测及其临床意义




To investigate the k inetics of antibody to SARS coronavirus in SARS patients and its clinical implication,ELISA was used to dete ct antibody to SARS coronavirus(SA RS CoV),RT-PCR was used to detect the SARS CoV RNA and,besides,the C D+4 and CD+8 T cells in peripheral blood of SARS patients and healthy controls were assayed by flowcytom etryThe results showed that SARS CoV IgM were first detected from da y 7 to day 47 after SARS onset,wit h average at day 193±101SARS Co V IgG were first detected from day 4 to day 47 after SARS onset,with average at day 207±101,and the p roduction of SARS CoV IgG was corr elated with CD+4 T cell number(P<005),but had no relationship with SARS CoV RNAMost SARS patients pr oduced SARS CoV antibody,IgM produ ced almost at the same time wit h IgGSARS CoV IgG is a protective antibody against SARS CoV and the titer of IgG may be used as an ind ex indicating the specific immunit y production in SARS



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