首页> 中文期刊> 《地球科学国际期刊(英文)》 >Seismic-Geodynamic Monitoring of Main Electric Power-Stations in East Europe and North Asia

Seismic-Geodynamic Monitoring of Main Electric Power-Stations in East Europe and North Asia



In east Europe and north Asia the majority of nuclear power-stations (NPS) as well as large hydro-electric (HES) and thermal electric stations (TES) are located within the north Eurasian lithosphere plate, which is characterized by the low seismicity and weak modern tectonic activity besides the different exogenetic processes. Some operating and projected NPS are relatively near to zones of the moderate seismicity in the Kaliningrad Region of northwest Russia and in south Ukraine. HES and TES in Baltic, Byelorussia and Ukraine are in the same position. Zones of more intensive seismicity and existence of active faults include NPS, HEP and TEP in the Urals, the Kola Peninsula, south Siberia, Transbaikal and Far East regions of Russia. Some of these stations are situated within crust blocks in transit zones, which separate main lithosphere plates and are characterized by increased tectonic mobility. The electric power-stations are most danger in the transit zones between north Eurasian, Arabian and Indian lithosphere plates, where collision processes have yet not stopped. This concerns electric stations in central Asia and Caucasus including NPS in Armenia. Seven schemes of the seismic energy distribution are composed for different parts of east Europe and north Asia. The location of nuclear and main other electric power-stations on them makes it possible to form a correct estimate of negative consequences connected with the up-to-date inner-continental tectonic activity.



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  • 1. Monitor Wai Main [P] . 外国专利: JP3124023U . 2006-08-03

    机译:monitor W AI main



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