首页> 中文期刊> 《沙漠与绿洲气象》 >新疆探空仪器换型前后资料对比分析




选取阿勒泰、阿克苏、和田等8个台站L波段和59-701系统对比观测逐日07时和19时850~100 hPa 10个位势等压面上的高度、气温、露点温度数据,进行差值、离散程度分析,对数据进行t检验,并给出订正方程.研究发现:(1)温度差值07时阿勒泰、库尔勒、民丰等5站为正,哈密、若羌、阿克苏三站为负,正值表明L波段雷达探测的温度值大于59型的温度值,大部分台站19时的差值比07时稳定.(2)高度差值07时和19时4站为正,250 hPa以下差值在0~-10之间,250 hPa以上差值迅速增大,除个别台站外差值最大值均在100 hPa处.(3)07、19时露点温度差值除个别等压面外均为负值,且07时的差值大于19时.(4)大部分台站的高度、温度能通过信度α=0.05的检验,说明L波段与59-701雷达探空高度和气温观测资料无显著性差异.露点温度均未能通过T检验,通过计算给出订正方程.%Using daily data of height,temperature,dew point temperature at 07 am and 07 pm at ten potential isobaric levels from 850hPa to 100hPa from the L-band and 59-701 system observations from the selected eight stations in Xinjiang including Altay,Aksu,Hotan,the analysis of value difference,degree of dispersion,t-test,and the revised equation establishment were conducted.The study foundinds are as follows.(1)When the 07 am temperature difference at the five stations including Altay,Korla,Minfeng is positive which indicates that L-band radar detection of temperature values are greater than that from 59-701 system observations while is negative at Hami,Ruoqiang and Aksu.The temperature difference is more stable at most of the stations at 19 pm than that at 07 am.(2) The differences of heights at 07 am and 07 pm are positive below 250 hPa from 0 to-10 and increases rapidly above 250 hPa.Generally,the maximum value of the difference.is at 100hPa altitude.(3) In general,the difference of the dew point temperature at 07 am and 07 pm are negative,and the difference at 07 am is greater than that at 07 pm.(4)Most of the station's observations of height and temperature can pass the inspection with the reliability,α=0.0 which means the observations of L-band and 59-701 radar sounding have no significant difference.Both of the dew point temperature do not pass through T-test and so the correction equation is given by calculating.



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