首页> 中文期刊>征信 >网络借贷与互联网征信




近年来,我国网络借贷交易规模和平台数量快速发展,但也存在一些问题,如网络借贷机构难以得到传统银行同等待遇,网络信贷征信机构之间数据难以共享,网络借贷征信机构数据积累过少. 为促进网络借贷行业健康发展,需要提升央行征信中心个人征信系统等对网络信贷平台的服务能力,积极推动互联网征信机构与央行征信中心个人征信系统的数据共享,加大征信产品开发力度,为互联网征信的发展提供法律保障.%In recent years, China has got rapid development in Internet lending transaction volume and number of platforms;however such problems are found as the difficulty for Internet lending credit reporting agencies to get the same treatment as traditional banks, the difficulty for the data between Internet lending credit reporting agencies to share, not too much data accumulation for Internet lending credit reporting agencies, etc.In order to promote the healthy development of online lending industry, it' s necessary to improve the service ability of personal credit repor-ting system of the PBC credit reference center for Internet lending platforms, actively promote data-sharing between Internet credit reporting agencies and personal credit information collecting system, take greater efforts to develop credit reporting products, and provide legal guarantee for the development of Internet credit information system.



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