首页> 中文期刊>征信 >社会信用建设中的政府作用:国际经验和国内探索--基于上海、浙江、黑龙江和贵州的实证分析




There are two modes for social credit building: government-led mode and free market-driven mode. Ow-ing to special national conditions of China and the specific historical stage of development, the European mode, i. e. government-led mode has been chosen. By developing norms, setting up platforms, acting as examples and fostering culture, the government has pushed forward the improvement of the social credit system. But viewed from the devel-opment trend, the market-driven mode, i. e. regulated by the government and enterprise operating freely, has in-creasingly become the mainstream mode. It’s necessary for the government to focus on improving rules, implemen-ting information disclosure and strengthening regulation, so as to promote social credit construction continueously.%社会信用建设有政府主导和自由市场两种模式。我国由于特殊的国情和特定的历史发展阶段,选择了政府主导的欧洲模式。政府通过制定规范,搭建平台,带头示范,培育文化,有力地推动了社会信用体系的完善。但从发展趋势看,政府监管、企业自由经营的市场模式日益成为主流。政府继续推动社会信用建设的重心应放在完善规则、信息公开和加强监管上。



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