首页> 中文期刊> 《当代教育与文化》 >新农村建设中农村教师的文化责任研究进展




T he cultural responsibility of rural teachers has become a focal point of study upon the climax of constructing new countryside and its calling for role shift of rural teachers . In recent years , domestic studies on this topic have been centered on the culture circumstances , the cultural function and the cultural orientation . Although achievements have been made in the studies , there still exist some limitations . Most studies are only the summaries of the experiences and from a single disciplinary perspective . Besides , the themes of studies are too dispersed . T he future research should enhance the theoretical level , widen the disciplinary perspectives , and promote coordination so as to enrich the contents of research , broaden the vision and deepen the themes .%在兴起新农村文化建设高潮及其对农村教师转变角色的深切呼唤之时代背景下,农村教师的文化责任研究便成为一个重要的课题。近年来国内学者对该课题的研究主要集中于农村教师在新农村建设中的文化境遇、文化功能和文化路向等方面。研究虽取得了一定成果,但依然存在以经验总结性研究为主、学科视角单一、主题不集中等不足之处。今后相关研究尚要注意提升理论水平,拓宽学科视角,进行协同攻关,促使该课题研究内涵更加丰富、视野更加开阔、主题更加深入。



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