首页> 中文期刊>当代化工 >磨损颗粒分析技术在发动机磨损故障监测中的应用




The technologies for wear debris particles analysis mainly include spectrum analysis, ferrography technology, laser net fines (LNF), and scanning electro microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX). The wear debris particles in the used oil of the transmission and lubrication system can be monitored and analyzed by using these technologies properly to detect the onset of wear and failure in rotating machinery and identify the wear principle and section, which is beneficial to prevent wear failure. The test shows that when the quantity of the wear particles and content of contamination elements is abnormal, the tested results should be validated by LNF. When the abnormal wear large particles increase, the ferrography technology should be used to estimate the wear type, and simultaneously, the material of abnormal wear particles should be estimated by combining SEM-EDX technology to identify the wear section to diagnose the wear failure in time.%  磨粒分析技术主要包括光谱分析、铁谱分析、自动磨粒分析和扫描电子显微镜-能谱分析技术等,合理、有效地利用这些分析技术对发动机传动润滑系统使用油液中的磨损颗粒进行监测,能够及时发现传动润滑系统存在的早期磨损故障隐患,揭示磨损机理,确定发生磨损的部位,有助于防止磨损故障的发生。实践表明,光谱分析测定的磨损金属或污染元素含量异常(或达到经验值)时,应采用自动磨粒分析技术对磨损颗粒进行进一步的分析;当异常磨损的大颗粒增多时,需采用铁谱分析技术对磨损类型进行判断;同时,结合扫描电子显微镜-能谱分析技术分析异常磨损颗粒的材质,准确确定磨损部位,达到预先诊断的目的。



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