首页> 中文期刊>当代化工 >红外掩日通量遥感监测技术在石化VOCs排放监测中的应用




石化企业主要以无组织形式排放烷烃、烯烃、芳烃等挥发性有机物(VOCs),不仅污染大气,也引起加工损失.为有效控制和减少石化VOCs排放,有必要监测石化企业VOCs排放总量及分布.红外掩日通量遥感监测技术(SOF)是当前VOCs无组织排放通量监测最佳实用技术之一,简要介绍了其技术原理、测量方法、应用范围及在石化VOCs排放监控中的应用.%Oil refining and petrochemical industry is considered as one of the main anthropogenic sources of VOCs emissions. VOCs emitted from refineries and petrochemical plants include alkanes, alkenes, aromatics and other organic species which cause not only air pollution but also processing loss. It is of fundamental importance to measure the total VOCs emissions and distributions in order to effectively control and reduce VOCs emissions. Solar Occultation Flux (SOF) has been proven to be one of the best available techniques for the field measurement of total fugitive VOCs emissions and distributions. SOF has been applied over 60 industrial sites around the world, and is being developing as a standard method by European Committee for Standardization (CEN). In this paper, technical principle and measurement method of SOF technique were introduced as well as application fields and some application cases in the monitoring of VOCs emission from petroleum and petrochemical industry.



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