首页> 中文期刊>计算机技术与发展 >基于遗传算法的某航空发动机装配车间优化调度




航空发动机装配车间装配生产线的调度问题,是一类比较典型的混合Flowshop问题,同时还带有工件可重人等特点,这就区别于一般的Flowshop和Jobshop调度问题,因此,将可重入混合车间调度问题划为第三类调度问题.关于重入式混合车间生产调度的优化问题通常来说都是属于NP难问题.文中通过某航空发动机装配车间生产线的研究,以最小化最大完工时间为目标函数,借助随机矩阵的编码方式和改进的交叉方法与变异方法,提出了基于遗传算法的调度优化方法.最后实验结果表明,文中提出的改进算法能够有效地实现装配车间调度的优化.%Assembly line scheduling problem of aeroengine assembly plant is a typical class of hybrid flowshop problem, and also features a piece re-entrant, which is different from the general flowshop and jobshop scheduling. Therefore (designate re-entrant hybrid flowshop as a third of scheduling problems. Re-entry hybrid plant production scheduling optimization problems are usually NP-hard ones. In this paper,through a study on an aero engine assembly plant production line,minimizing the makespan as the objective function and by means of random matrix encoding and improved crossover and mutation methods,an approach to optimize schedules is proposed based on genetic algorithm. Finally,simulation experiments show that the proposed improved algorithm can effectively achieve the assembly shop scheduling optimization.



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