首页> 中文期刊>计算机技术与发展 >可扩展的MMORPG游戏框架的设计与实现




In order to enhance the payability and add the number of online user during the running of the MMORPG.the game software system should be updated irregularly, so it' s important that the frame of software system should be optimized in design and be expansible easily overall. Based on the feature of MMORPG,by the system frame of client/server and under the guidance of advanced software design rule and model,realize the whole system frame,which is composed of server and client. The server is developed based on cell and serve and the client is made of five modules. In the end use an example to test and verify the expansibility of the frame.%MMORPG在运营过程中为了增强游戏的可玩性,增加同时在线人数,不定期要对系统进行更新,这就对整个软件框架设计提出了具有可扩展性的要求.根据MMORPG类游戏的特点,在C/S体系结构理论及先进软件设计原则与设计模式指导下设计系统的整体框架:服务器端综合采用基于Cell和基于服务两种技术,客户端采用五大系统进行划分;最后在OGRE图形引擎和RakNet网络引擎平台下开发了多人在线游戏.实践证明在互联网环境下本游戏框架具有良好的可扩展性.



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