首页> 中文期刊>计算机仿真 >基于AMEsim的伸缩缸调速回路建模与仿真




为了分析影响大型伸缩缸调速系统平稳运行的因素,利用AMEsim软件平台进行仿真.首先,分析了伸缩缸调速回路的结构组成和工作原理,进而利用该软件中液压模块的HCD库建立了三级伸缩缸与比例调速阀的仿真模型,实现了对调速回路工作过程的动态模拟.通过对不同调速阀参数设置时伸缩缸调速回路的仿真和负载扰动仿真,对影响调速回路动静态特性的因素进行了分析.仿真结果表明:调速阀出口容腔对回路的流量压力性能影响较大,而调速阀的弹簧刚度和负载扰动则影响较小,为调速回路的设计和控制提供了理论依据.%In order to analyze the factor of the smooth performance of telescopic cylinder speed control system,the AMEsim platform is used to carry out the simulation experiment.Firstly,the structure and its operational principle of telescope cylinder speed control system is analyzed.Then the simulation model of three-level telescope cylinder and proportional speed valve is built with the HCD design library in the software,the dynamic simulation of its circuits is realized.The circuit is simulated under different parameters and load disturbances,and the factors of influencing the dynamic and static characteristic of the circuit are analyzed.The simulation results show that the outlet volume of speed valve has great impact on flow pressure characteristic of the circuit,and the spring stiffness of speed valve and load disturbance has little impact.It provides a theoretical basis for the design and control of the telescope cylinder speed control circuits.



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