首页> 中文期刊>计算机科学 >基于资源评价的信任管理模型




Aiming at the safety problem in P2P network, a new trust management model based on evaluation of resources was proposed in this paper. A concept of praise degree was given firstly,and a single praise degree was computed by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. The transaction log table was saved and managed by mother peers of the one provided resources. When a peer chose which peer to deal with,it considered not only the direct trust value but also the total praise degree of resource. An incentive mechanism based on virtual currency was imported finally to enhance the peers' positivity of participation. The experiment result shows that this trust management model can effectively resist the attack of malicious peers and increase the success rate of network transactions.%针对P2P网络中交易的安全性问题,提出了一种基于资源评价的信任管理模型.首先给出评价节点行为信任的好评度的概念,用模糊综合评判的方法计算节点对交易的单次好评度,每次交易后的交易记录表由提供资源的节点的母节点进行管理和存储;当节点选择提供资源的节点时,不仅考虑对目标节点的直接信任度,还考虑此次交易资源的总好评度,在计算直接信任度时考虑了时效性和交易资源的重要程度两个因素,交易资源的总好评度的计算数据来源于该资源的评价节点给出的以往评价;最后引入了基于虚拟货币的激励机制,以有效地提高节点参与的积极性.仿真实验表明,该模型能有效抵制恶意节点的攻击,提高网络交易的成功率.



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