首页> 中文期刊>计算机测量与控制 >一种自适应的高精度可用带宽测量算法




Most of the available bandwidth measurement technologies can not get high accuracy in the context of a multi-hop path and bursty cross traffic arrival. This paper proposed a novel method of adaptive and high accuracy available bandwidth measurement called FPU -ABM (Five - Packet - Unit for Available Bandwidth Measurement). Combining with setting the value of TTL, the five-packet-unit measures the gaps of probe packets before and after bottleneck link respectively to improve measurement accuracy in multi-hop path. The source adjusts the probe rate adaptively according to the gaps of feedback packets, accelerated the measurement rate and decreased aggression of the probe stream, promoted the robustness of the method. Compared with existing methods, simulations show that FPU - ABM has its advantages in terms of measurement time, accuracy, and robustness.%针对现有可用带宽测量技术在突发背景流及多跳链路下测量精度较低的问题,提出了一种自适应的高精度可用带宽测量算法FPU-ABM(Five-Packet-unit for Available Bandwidth Measurement);该算法采用五包结构构成探测单元,结合TTL值设置,分别测量瓶颈链路前后的探测包间隔,提高了在多跳链路下带宽测量精度;算法根据反馈包的间隔自适应地调整探测速率,加快了测量速度且减小了探测流对网络的入侵度,增强了算法的适应性;仿真表明,在多跳链路下TFP-ABM算法的测量精度可达到10%以内,相比现有算法,TFP-ABM响应速度快、测量精度高、适应性好.



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