首页> 中文期刊>计算机集成制造系统 >面向增材制造的蜂窝结构生成设计方法




为解决增材制造中的蜂窝结构设计建模问题,提出一种模仿自然界蜂巢构建过程的蜂窝结构生成设计方法.通过对蜜蜂构筑六边形巢穴的内在机理进行研究,将蜂窝结构生成建模分为蜂窝结构平面主线生成和蜂窝壁板构建两个过程.分析了自然界蜂窝结构“由曲转直”的变化原理,根据其演化进程中存在的相切关系,提出了基于切线构造法的均匀蜂窝平面主线生成方法,并利用改进后的修补算法实现了非均匀蜂窝平面主线的生成设计;模仿蜜蜂蜂蜡堆积形成蜂窝壁的方式,提出了等壁厚蜂窝结构构建方法.最后结合通用软件验证了仿自然式的蜂窝结构生成设计方法的可行性.%To solve the problem of honeycomb structure design and modeling in additive manufacturing,a generative design method of honeycomb structure was proposed through imitating the natural honeycomb construction process.By researching the inner mechanism of bees' hexagon nest,the honeycomb structure generative modeling was divided into two main processes:the generation of honeycomb structure planar main line and the construction of honeycomb panel.On the one hand,the honeycomb structure variation principle of "from the curve to the straight" was analyzed.According to the tangent relationship existed in the process of evolution,the method of generating the uniform honeycomb planar main lines was introduced,and the improved algorithm was used to realize the design of nonuniform honeycomb structure planar main lines.On the other hand,the method to form honeycomb panel with equal thickness was constructed by imitating the honeycomb beeswax accumulation,which provided a new way to model the uniform and non-uniform honeycomb structure.The feasibility of proposed natural-inspired honeycomb structure generation design method was verified by the general software.



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