首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机工程与应用》 >GPS/DR组合导航的地图粗匹配算法研究




In the digital map matching, direct projection method is one of the most commonly used methods to determine the vehicle section, it is simple and easy, but stability is poor and matching efficiency is low, cannot satisfy the high stability and accuracy requirements of map matching. This paper based on direct projection method, combines correlation algorithm with probability statistics method, introduces the history matching parameter in matching process to iterative operation, uses multiple sampling points to eliminate accidental error. Through Matlab simulation testing and correct match rate statistical analyzing, the improved algorithm has good stability and compatibility in both timeliness and accuracy rate, can well simulate the rough matching process of real digital map.%在数字地图匹配中,直接投影法是确定车辆行驶路段的常用方法之一,该方法简单易行,但稳定性差,匹配效率低,不能满足地图匹配高稳定性和高正确率的要求。以直接投影法为基础,结合相关性算法和概率统计法,在匹配过程中引入历史匹配参数进行迭代运算,采用多点采样消除偶然误差。通过Matlab仿真测试和匹配正确率统计分析,改进后的算法稳定性好,能够很好地模拟实际数字地图粗匹配过程,在匹配时效和正确率两方面有良好的兼容性。



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