首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >浙江省衢州市玳堰矿区石煤自燃地质环境治理




The stone-like coal spontaneous combustion harness is one of hard nuts in geological environment harness in the country,and this issue in Daiyan mine area is already a severe geological and ecological environment problem.To harness the problem effectively, restore mine area ecological environment, methods of airtight mining adit collar, ignition point cutting and mud obturation to "oxygen isolation and flame die out" have been used.The effect has demonstrated that the combustions in Baikeng No.5, No.3 and Meishandi mines are already controlled, mine area atmospheric sulfur dioxide content <0.03mg/m3, thus the good harness effect.The result can be a reference for similar abandoned mine stone-like coal spontaneous combustion harness henceforth.%石煤自燃治理是我国地质环境治理的一大难题,衢州市玳堰石煤矿区石煤自燃已造成严重的地质和生态环境问题.为了有效治理矿区石煤自燃,恢复矿区生态环境,采用密闭采矿硐口、石煤自燃点削坡以及黄泥密闭的"隔氧灭燃"治理方法.治理效果表明,白坑5号、3号矿和煤山底矿石煤自燃已得到控制:矿区大气二氧化硫监测结果小于0.03mg/m(3),地表水SO(4)(2-)含量从7045.6mg/L降低到399mg/L,治理效果良好,为今后类似废弃矿山石煤自燃的治理提供了参考.



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