首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >江苏省海岸带地热勘查综合物探的应用效果




江苏省海岸带某测区被较厚的第四系覆盖,通过对该区的区域地层、构造、水文地质、地热场等地质条件的分析,在地温调查及航磁异常解译的基础上,设计了4条与西北向构造垂直的CSAMT测深剖面,以探明测区内地温异常和构造情况.根据断面图低阻异常特征,推断测区存在2条北西走向、北东向陡倾的断裂带,并推测断裂带东测20线2350点1800~3000 m的深度存在地温异常.经钻井验证该处孔深1890~2800 m获得出水量2480.70 m3/d,温度达91℃的热水井.%A coastal prospecting area in Jiangsu Province is covered by thick Quaternary System .Through geological condition analysis of regional stratigraphy , structure, hydrogeology and geothermal field , based on geothermal survey and aeromagnetic anomalies inter-pretation, have designed 4 CSAMT sounding sections perpendicular to NW structures , to prove up geothermal anomalies and structural situation in the area .According to sectional low -resistivity anomalous features , have interpreted 2 NW strike NE steep dipping faulted zones, and speculated in faulted zone east side line No .20, point 2350 depth 1800~3000m has geothermal anomaly existed .After drilling verification, a geothermal well completed with hot water yield 2480.70m3/d, temperature 91℃from depth 1890m~2800m.



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