首页> 中文期刊> 《临床荟萃》 >原发性高血压患者血同型半胱氨酸与24小时血压变异性的关系




目的:探讨原发性高血压患者血同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)与24小时血压变异性(BPV)(收缩压、舒张压)之间的关系。方法河南省人民医院住院的原发性高血压患者208例,按照血 Hcy 水平的不同,分为3组:A 组85例(血 Hcy<15.0μmol/L),B 组72例(15μmol/L≤Hcy<20.0μmol/L),C 组51例(≥20μmol/L)。分别测定24小时动态血压,计算24小时收缩压及舒张压标准差(SD)。结果3组原发性高血压患者,随着血 Hcy 水平增高,患者的24小时 BPV 亦升高,组间差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。相关性分析提示血 Hcy 水平与24小时 BPV(收缩压、舒张压)之间存在相关性(r =0.570,0.512,P <0.01)。结论原发性高血压患者合并高 Hcy 血症可增加其 BPV,应该在关注血压水平的同时,关注血 Hcy 及 BPV,从而更好地管理高血压患者。%Objective To investigate the relationship between serum homocysteine(Hcy)and 24 hours blood pressure variability(BPV)(systolic and diastolic)in essential hypertension patients.Methods The study involved the essential hypertensive patients 208 cases in Henan Province People's Hospital.The patients were divided into three groups according to serum Hcy,group A 85 cases(Hcy<1 5.0 μmol/L),group B 72 cases(1 5 μmol/L≤ Hcy<20.0μmol/L),group C 5 1 cases (≥ 20 μmol/L).24 hours ambulatory blood pressure measurement was performed, respectively.Results In the three groups of essential hypertension of patients,the higher the homocysteine level,the higher the 24 hours BPV,the difference was significant(P <0.05).Correleation analysis showed serum Hcy level was positive correlated with BPV(r =0.570,0.5 12,P <0.01).Conclusion Essential hypertension patients with high Hcy have elevated BPV.We should pay attention to blood pressure,at the same time concern BPV and homocysteine levels, so as to manage patients better.



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