首页> 中文期刊>城市规划 >基于辨方正位规划传统的秦咸阳轴线体系初探




秦都成阳作为中国历史上第一个统一帝制王朝的都城,其城市建制具有特殊的重要性,但是历史文献与考古成果的不足导致了研究中的天然局限,亟需通过研究视野与方法上的重构来探讨新的认知图景.本文尝试从城市规划的视角开展研究,首先基于对先秦秦汉时期规划传统的研究和相关历史文献的佐证,推断“辨方正位”为秦都成阳重要的规划设计方法之一,进而以“立中”与“定向”为线索,重新认识和组织文献与考古资料,辨识成阳以极庙与阿房宫为核心的轴线体系,以此为基础,勾画秦成阳都城建制的基本面貌.最终,阐释成阳轴线体系研究的方法论价值与对当代的启示意义.%As the capital of the first unified Chinese empire,the planning and design of Xianyang in Qin Dynasty is of significant value in the history of urban planning.However,its urban spatial structure is still ambiguous due to the insufficient historical literature and archaeological findings,thereby enforcing the breakthrough of extant research visions and methods.This paper is a tentative response to this issue,from the perspective of urban planning,it firstly inferred that the method of "Regional Division and Position Determination" was applied in the planning of Xianyang in Qin Dynasty based on the study of the planning tradition of pre-Qin and Qin-Han Dynasties.Secondly,the related literature documents and archaeological findings were recognized and reorganized with the clue of "Core Establishment" and "Orientation Determination" to identify the axis system of Xianyang with the Polar Temple and Epang Palace as the core,based on which,the organizational system of Xianyang was revealed.Ultimately,both the methodological and practical significance of this study are expounded as a conclusion.



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