首页> 中文期刊>重庆医学 >切口愈合障碍患者肝胆外科术后皮下放置引流管的临床价值




Objective To explore the clinical value of placing subcutaneous drainage tube in patients with disorders of incision healing after hepatobiliary surgery operation. Methods 59 surgical patients in hepatobiliary surgery department with disorder factots associated with healing were divided into 2 groups:study group(n=33)and control group(n=26). Self-made silicone drainage tubes were placed below the incision in the layer of subcutaneous fat in study group, while in control group with no drainage tube placing. The time and condition of incision healing were regarded as indicators of observation. Results Compared with control group, the rates of primary healing were significantly increased, while the healing time was markedly shortened in study group. Conclusion Placing subcutaneous drainage tube below incision may contributes to promoting surgical incision healing for patients with disorder factors associated with healing.%目的 探讨存在切口愈合障碍相关因素的肝胆外科手术患者腹壁切口下方皮下放置引流管促进切口愈合的临床价值.方法 选择肝胆外科伴有切口愈合障碍相关因素的手术患者59例,将其分为研究组(n=33)和对照组(n=26),研究组用自制的硅胶引流管在切口下方行皮下脂肪层放置引流;对照组患者术后切口不放置皮下引流管,以切口愈合时间及切口愈合情况为观察指标.结果 与对照组比较,研究组患者的手术切口甲级愈合率明显提高,切口愈合时间明显缩短.结论 伴有切口愈合障碍相关因素的肝胆外科手术患者切口下方放置皮下引流管有利于手术切口愈合.



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