首页> 中文期刊> 《重庆医学》 >创伤后应激障碍影响因素及伴发焦虑抑郁的研究




Objective To investigate the incidence rate and influence factors for post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) after the Yushu Earthquake one year,and analyze its concomitant symptom of anxiety and depression;and provide the evidence for the crisis intervention. Methods By using the self general questionnaire, PTSD check list-civilian version(PCL-C) , self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) , self-rating depression scale(SDS) , we did an investigation on the victims. A total of 513 victims accomplished the survey. Results The incidence rate of PTSD was 11. 50% after the yushu earthquake one year. The incidence rate of anxiety was 15. 01% , and that of depression was 15. 40%; The rate of PTSD s concomitant symptom of anxiety or depression was all 7. 02%;and rate of PTSD s concomitant symptom of anxiety and depression was 3. 70%. Conclusion The incidence rates of PTSD and rate of its concomitant symptom of anxiety and depression among the victims after the earthquake one year were significantly higher than the normal population. The incidence rate was different from the gender,age,marriage,physical injury,losing relatives and the satisfaction of social support.%目的 对玉树地震后一周年创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的发生率、影响因素及伴发焦虑抑郁分析,为危机干预提供依据.方法 采用自编一般情况问卷、PTSD检查量表平民版(PCL-C)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)等对玉树受灾人群问卷调查,共513名完成调查.结果 调查的受灾人群中,PTSD的发生率为11.50%,焦虑症的发生率为15.01%,抑郁症的发生率为15.40%,PTSD伴焦虑的发生率及PTSD伴抑郁的发生率均为7.02%,PTSD同时伴焦虑和抑郁的发生率为3.70%.结论 受灾人群在地震后一周年PTSD发生率高,并焦虑抑郁伴发率较高,因性别、年龄、婚姻、躯体损伤、亲人丧失、社会支持满意度等不同而不同.



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