首页> 中文期刊>医疗卫生装备 >医学救援中临床医学工程应急保障模式的构建




目的:探讨医学救援中临床医学工程应急保障(以下简称"应急保障")模式的构建.方法:从保障要求、预案建设、人员培训及器材储备机制4个方面分析应急保障机制的不完善性;根据"快速、质量、服从、主动"的基本原则,从基本功能模式、应急保障指挥模式、人员配备等方面对该保障模式进行框架性设计.结果:该模式的构建完善了医学应急保障机制,提高了灾害或突发事件应急医疗救治的效率.结论:应急保障对医学救援有重要的支撑作用,应军民融合协同配合,加大对该领域的研究及预案建设,建立有效的应急保障模式.%Objective To explore the construction of clinical medical engineering emergency support mode in medical rescue. Methods The deficiencies of emergency support mechanism were discussed from the aspects of support requirements, planning, personnel training, equipment and materials reserve. From the aspects of basic function mode, emergency support commanding mode, personnel allocation the framework design of the support mode was carried out with the principles of quickness, high quality, obedience and initiative. Results The mode completed medical emergency support mechanism and enhanced the efficiency of emergency medical treatment during disasters and etc. Conclusion Emergency support is of great significance for medical rescue, which has to pose emphases on military-civilian integration, research and planning.



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