首页> 中文期刊>中国园林 >重现花东纵谷平地森林,创造乐活、慢游之绿色桃花源——花莲大农大富平地森林园区规划




The project "Dafudanun Plain Forest Park" is one of the three plain forest parks over 1,000 hectares which were chosen by the government in 2010. During the 2-year planning period, this park situated on the river valley will be planned and created toward LOHAS Forest Park based on the goals of low-density development, multi-recreation, culture-harmonization, everlasting-ecology and carbon-reduce. Meantime, this park will provide the experience of natural environment and aboriginal culture, also to develop low-carbon ecological travel, to introduce green architecture, to connect the neighborhood recreation spots, to recreate the plain forest connecting both mountains between the valley, to link the aboriginal villages and to connect the land history of sugar cane farming toward forest. In the future, this park will be a green Utopia for modern people to release pressure, to heal body, to contemplate and to experience the nature. Now, this project is coming to development, and the first phase accomplishment includes main entrance, main park road, bike trail, sun-grassland, moon lake, and landscaping farm. Then the park opened on May 21 in 2011.%台湾于2010年选定3处面积在1 000hm2以上的基地规划为平地森林园区,本案“花莲大农大富平地森林园区”为其中之一,历经1年余的规划设计以及多次的专家、民众参与讨论,本着密度开发、多元休闲旅游、融和在地文化、生态永续与节能减碳等目标,利用花东纵谷地理环境所提供的蓝带(嘉农溪、河内溪及大农溪)及森林绿带(纵谷山系),规划一处可居可游的乐活森林园区.并以“自然环境与原乡文化体验”为主轴,推广低碳休闲生态旅游、串连花东观光景点、重现平地森林,延续山水脉络、塑造在地特色,链接住民文化,连接糖业与林业文化,创造出一处可让忙碌现代人长期停留舒压、益康、心灵洗涤、健身和体验自然的绿色桃花源.本规划案已进入工程阶段,第一期工程包括纵谷彩廊、游园道、自行车道、自然步道、游客中心、景观花海、日地月池、景观农作区、艺术展演等,已于2011年完成,并于5月21日对游客开放.



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