首页> 中文期刊>中国园林 >智慧景区的内涵与总体框架研究




Based on the discussion of the concept of Smart Earth and Smart City, the essential concept of Smart Famous Scenic Site was worked out according to the characteristics of famous scenic site resources conservation, business management, tourism development, public service, and decision support. Then, the general framework of Smart Famous Scenic Site was proposed by integrating the up-to-date information technology, such as internet of things, cloud computing, service oriented architecture, and so on. The general framework includes information infrastructure, data infrastructure, sharing and service platform, application and service system, and decision support system, as well as seven kinds of assistant issues, such as policy, mechanism, funding, technology, standard, technicians, and security. Finally, the advantages of Smart Famous Scenic Site were summarized for future development. This study will be helpful for promoting the development of Smart Famous Scenic Site in China.%在解读智慧地球、智慧城市概念的基础上,根据风景名胜区资源保护、业务管理、旅游经营、公众服务、决策支持的需要,探讨了智慧景区的内涵;然后集成应用信息技术的最新发展成果,提出了智慧景区建设的总体框架,包括:信息基础设施、数据基础设施、共享服务设施3个平台,资源保护系统、业务管理系统、旅游经营系统、公众服务系统、决策支持系统五大系统,以及管理政策、运行机制、资金投入、信息技术、规范标准、人才队伍和安全保障7项保障.同时,构建了智慧景区涵盖网络层、数据层、服务层、应用层和决策层5个层次的体系结构,并分析了构建智慧景区的3个突出优势.对于我国智慧景区的规划与建设具有很好的促进作用.



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