首页> 中文期刊> 《中国园林》 >晋商宅院园林环境的保护和利用研究——以山西榆次常氏庄园重修为例




晋商宅院园林是中国传统私家园林的重要组成部分,更是晋商文化的重要体现.从山西常氏庄园保护和利用入手,阐述如何在缺少相关历史资料和现状破坏较大的情况下,把握务实严谨的设计原则,采用对现存遗址进行实测考古与对晋商传统园林横向类比研究相结合的设计方法,综合考虑晋商文化和当地风土人情等因素对传统园林形式的影响,并从总平面布局到园林景观设计等各个层丽阐释新建常氏静园的设计过程.指出其在改善原有环境时所出现的不合理改建和新建情况,希望能够对优秀传统文化合理保护利用有所帮助,并对传统园林重建设计提供参考.%Traditional Jin merchants courtyard gardens are an important component of Chinese traditional private garden, but also an important embodiment of the Jin merchants culture. The thesis analyzes the measures in the protection and use for the Mansion of the Chang's. The design needs to face the lack of the relevant historical data and the havoc relic, but it still follows the design principle of preciseness. The work meters the relic and takes the horizontal analogy in garden-style, with considering about the influence from the traditional Jin merchants culture and local conditions and customs. At the same time, the thesis points out some inappropriate work about rebuilding and newly building, ft is supposed that the good ethical tradition of China could be well used today.



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