首页> 中文期刊>中国园林 >绿地被动式防风机能影响因子的数字化分析研究——以厦门市筼筜湖流域为例




以厦门市筼筜湖流域为研究对象,研究城市绿地要素在台风灾前灾后的变化,应用数字化分析的方法,旨在寻找建筑环境和植物群落与城市绿地被动式防风机能之间的关联度.研究发现:1)建筑空间分布、群落空间结构、植物与建筑的高度比值等是影响城市绿地防风机能的主要空间要素;2)植物群落的郁闭度是影响城市绿地防风机能的重要指数;3)植物群落的优势树种是影响绿地被动式防风机能的必要因素.研究提出了提升绿地被动式防风机能的策略,主要有:1)科学规划城市建筑布局;2)合理搭配植物群落;3)科学调整群落郁闭度.%Taking the Yundang Lake as the research subject, this paper researches on the changes of green land elements affected by typhoon. Based on the digital analysis, this paper focuses on the association between the architectural environment and the passive wind resistance system of city green land. According to the research, there are several main factors that affect the wind resistance ability of city green land, such as the building's space distribution, the space structure of plants and the height ratio of plants and buildings. Moreover, the canopy density of the flora is an important index in the wind resistance system of city green land. The dominant tree spices of the flora are also essential elements to the ability of passive wind resistance system. The study proposes the strategies on promoting the ability of green land's passive wind resistance system, including scientific layout of city buildings, reasonable configuration of plant communities, and scientific adjustment of plant community canopy density.



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