首页> 中文期刊>中国园林 >北京城市生态廊道草本植物组成及分布格局




城市内部动植物受到城市快速发展的影响.通过以生态学方法为依据的调查,对北京市城市生态廊道草本植物种类构成及分布格局进行研究.结果表明:北京市六环内城市生态廊道(涵盖道路廊道及河流廊道)草本种类总数184种(含品种/变种)隶属于43科135属,植物组成中外来植物种类偏多,植物入侵现象较为普遍,同时部分植物群落组成较为单一,多样性较低.城市化进程的加剧降低了城市内部草本物种的丰富度,同时也降低了城市草本物种中的入侵种比例,但外来草本物种丰富度却呈现提高的趋势.根据北京市现状,在后续绿化建设中应适地选用植物材料,大力推广乡土地被植物并增加多种应用形式延长观赏期,维持草坪地被植物的多样性,并建立植物入侵预警机制.%In recent years,animals and plants are influenced by the rapid urbanization.With ecology investigation,this thesis carries out a further research on the species composition and distribution pattern of herbaceous plants in Beijing urban ecological corridors.The main conclusions from the investigation are as the following:a total of 184 plant species belonging to 135 genera and 43 families are concerned in ecological corridors (including road ecological corridors and river ecological corridors);alien plant species occupy a larger proportion;plant invasion is relatively common;the diversity of some communities is low.Urbanization decreases herbaceous species richness and makes the plant invasionpresent a declining tendency.On the contrary,the alien herbaceous species richness keeps rising.According to the present situation,the application of native plants should be strengthened,and more application forms should be taken in the subsequent construction in order to maintain the botanical diversity and establish early warning mechanism of invasive plants.



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