首页> 中文期刊> 《中国妇幼健康研究》 >张家港市高危儿童管理网络建立及干预模式的探讨




目的:探讨建立高危儿管理网络对高危儿早筛查、早诊断、早干预的必要性及可行性。方法与残疾人联合会合作成立早期干预中心,利用高危儿管理网络的模式(三级妇幼保健网络和妇幼卫生信息系统),对纳入的2140例高危儿进行专案管理;并及时在康复基地进行早期干预和评估。结果在2140例高危新生儿中通过脑损伤五项筛查发现无高危因素的异常婴儿45人;经不同阶段的随访评估诊断为可疑或异常儿童248人,均在张家港市儿童康复基地进行了综合干预,其中196例儿童通过评估已达正常发育水平。结论利用高危儿童管理网络对高危儿进行早筛查、早诊断、早干预,可优化医疗资源,值得在基层推广应用。%Objective To explore the necessity and feasibility of establishing management network for high -risk infants for early screening , early diagnosis and early intervention .Methods Early intervention center was setup with the combined efforts of China Disabled Persons Federation (CDPF).High-risk infants were managed with high-risk infant management network model (three levels of maternal and child health care network and maternal and child health information system ) , and early intervention and evaluation were conducted in time in rehabilitation center.Results There were 2 140 high-risk newborns in Zhangjiagang in 2012.Meanwhile, there were 45 infants without any risk factors found as suspicious ones through “screening examination of high-risk infants”.Totally 248 infants were evaluated as abnormal or suspicious ones through regular follow-up.All of these infants were intervened in rehabilitation center of Zhangjiagang .Through early interventions , 196 infants achieved normal development .Conclusion Under coordination of government , early screening , early diagnosis and early intervention for high-risk infants with management network can optimize medical resources .So management network for high-risk infants is worth promoting in primary level areas .



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