首页> 中文期刊> 《中国组织工程研究》 >人皮下脂肪干细胞的成骨、成脂分化诱导及鉴定




背景:脂肪干细胞是从脂肪组织中分离得到的一种具有多向分化潜能的间充质干细胞,在组织工程中比骨髓间充质干细胞具有更多优势,是当今的研究热点之一。  目的:在体外建立一种分离纯化人皮下脂肪来源脂肪干细胞的方法,进行体外培养扩增及诱导其向成骨、成脂细胞分化。  方法:通过密度梯度离心和贴壁筛选法相结合,对人脂肪干细胞进行分离、体外培养及扩增。倒置显微镜下观察人脂肪干细胞的细胞形态和生长特性。选取第2代及第5代细胞,用CCK-8法检测细胞活性,绘制细胞生长曲线,用流式细胞仪检测细胞表面抗原标记。选取第5代细胞,分别进行成脂及成骨诱导分化,以确定其多向分化潜能。  结果与结论:①采用密度梯度离心和贴壁培养相结合方法,可成功从人脂肪组织中获得纯度较高的人脂肪干细胞。②人脂肪干细胞经历了生长滞缓期、对数增殖期和生长平台期,符合正常细胞的生长规律,且其生长具有对数生长期,其倍增时间较短。③人脂肪干细胞表达干细胞表面抗原标记,具有低免疫原性,且具有成脂成骨多向分化潜能。④DAPI是一种简单、有效的标记人脂肪干细胞的方法,DAPI不损伤细胞活性,对细胞标记率高。%BACKGROUND:Adipose-derived stem cels are a kind of mesenchyam stem cels with multipotent differentiation capacity, which have more advantages than bone marrow mesenchymal stem cels in tissue engineering research. OBJECTIVE: To establish a method to isolate and purify adipose-derived stem cels from human subcutaneous adipose tissues folowed byin vitro amplification and osteoblastic/adipogenic differentiation. METHODS: Adipose-derived stem cels were isolated from human subcutaneous adipose tissue and cultured by density gradient centrifugation and adherent culture. Cel morphology and growth features were observed under inverted microscope. Adipose-derived stem cels at passages 2 and 5 were selected for viability measurement using cel counting kit-8 method, and then cel growth curves were drawn. The immunophenotype identification was analyzed by flow cytometry. Passage 5 cels underwent osteoblastic/adipogenic induction to confirm the multi-differentiation potential. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) Using density gradient centrifugation and adherent culture method, high-purity human adipose-derived stem cels can be successfuly isolated from human adipose tissues. (2) The growth process of human adipose-derived stem cels includes stagnant phase, logarithmic phase and plateau phase, which meets the growth rhythm of normal cels. Moreover, the population doubling time is shorter. (3). Human adipose-derived stem cels are positive for stem cel-related antigens, with low immunogenicity and the multi-differentiation potential. (4) Labeling human adipose-derived stem cels with DAPI is a simple efficient labeled method, and the labeling rate is high but the cytotoxicity is low



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