首页> 中文期刊> 《社会》 >社会科学、价值判断与科学的价值 评施特劳斯的韦伯论述

社会科学、价值判断与科学的价值 评施特劳斯的韦伯论述



In Strauss’s opinion,Weber’s situation is tragic:He was destined to believe in science,but in the influence of historicism,he had to deeply suspect the value of science.Strauss discovered the fundamental root of Weber’s perplexes through a top-down thinking process:Weber insisted on the value-free principle because the conflicts between ultimate values were inapprehensible by human reason,and the latter was incapable of proving its own value when being challenged by revelation due to the fact that Weber’s understanding of science and its situation was limited.Then Strauss tried to transcend Weber’s abyss through a bottom-up thinking process:The prephilosophical natural world was the common origin of philosophy and revelation;it was through political philosophy(which inevitably required value judgment) that a skeptical philosophy emerged to describe but not to explain the riddle of being,which made revelation possible and necessary.Thus,the value of philosophy was established in the forever existing conflicts.%在施特劳斯的思想世界中,韦伯的处境是悲剧性的:他命定了要信仰科学,可是由于受到历史主义的深刻影响,内心深处又不得不对科学的价值怀有极度的不安。施特劳斯一方面通过一个下降的思想历程揭示出韦伯困境的深层根源:韦伯坚持价值中立是因为终极价值之间的冲突无法借助理性来解决,而后者又是因为科学无法在面临启示的挑战之下证明自身的价值,这是因为他对科学及其处境的理解是不完善的。另一方面,施特劳斯又通过一个上升的思想历程去超越韦伯所陷入的深渊:前哲学的自然世界是哲学与启示的共同起点,通过政治哲学(必然要求价值判断)迈向一种探询式怀疑主义的哲学,它始终满足于表述而非解决存在之谜,这就使得启示成为可能和必要。哲学的价值在这种永恒冲突中得到确立。



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