首页> 中文期刊>传感技术学报 >广义延拓插值模型在RSSI测距方法中的应用




室内无线传感器网络定位通常采用基于信号强度指示RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator)的测距方法,但由于室内信号反射、阻挡严重,同时不同硬件之间存在性能差异,导致RSSI随距离的衰减模型难以精确表述。本文提出一种基于广义延拓插值的RSSI测距模型,通过对实测数据进行拟合和插值,构造出能够反映实测环境下的衰减模型,避免了大尺度衰减模型中环境衰减因子难以由经验值给出的问题,同时也减小了不同硬件间的性能差异带来的影响,相比传统的大尺度衰减模型测距精度得到很大改善。%The combination of wireless network and sensors are widely used for indoor localization. Measurement of Received Signal Strength Indicator(RSSI)was one of the method to determine the position of an object. Due to se⁃vere multipath and blocking of signals in indoor environment and the difference of hardware performance,these re⁃sults the dilemma of RSSI to distance attenuation model. This paper proposes a RSSI ranging model based on gener⁃alized extended interpolation method,it shows its strength in constructing attenuation model to reflect the real envi⁃ronment via processing of test data.It not only avoids the issues caused by the attenuation factor in the model,but al⁃so reduces the side effect brought by the performance of different hardware.And positioning accuracy gets greatly im⁃proved compared to traditional Large-scale attenuation model.



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