首页> 中文期刊> 《中国水稻科学》 >利用条件QTL定位发掘粳稻生育期和株高及单株有效穗数适用有利等位变异




利用粳稻品种秀水79/C堡重组自交系群体的254个株系,在南京和泗洪两个环境条件下,对水稻乍育期、株高和单株有效穗数进行非条件和条件QTI,定位.结果表明,2种方法检测到的3个性状的QTL均以加性效应为主,上位性位点对表型解释率较小,加性位点和上位性位点均不存在基因型与环境互作.将生育期矫正到同一水平,检测到1个单株有效穗数适用有利等位变异RM80-1 60bp,加性效应为0.71.将单株有效穗数矫正到同一水平,检测剑1个生育期性状适用有利等位变异RM448-240bp,加性效应为4.64.将株高矫正到同一水平,检测到1个单株有效穗数适用有利等位变异RM80-160bp,加性效应为0.62;1个生育期适用有利等位变异RM448-240bp,加性效应为3.89.利用这些适用有利等位变异改良目标性状不会对另外2个性状产生影响.%Unconditional QTL mapping and conditional QTL mapping were conducted for growth duration (GD), plant height (PH) and produtive panicle number per plant (PN) using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between japonica rice Xiushui 79 and C Bao. The 254-1ine RIL population was planted in two environments, Nanjing and Sihong,Jiangsu Proivince. Results showed that with predominant additive effects in all QTLs for GD, PH and PN detected by the two methods, the epistatic effects explained a small percent of phenotypic variation. No interaction was detected between additive QTL and environment, or between epistatic QTL pairs and environment. After growth duration was adjusted to an identical level, RM80-160bp was detected as an applicable elite allele for PN, with an additive effect of 0.71. After produtive panicle number per plant was adjusted to an identical level, RM448-240bp was detected as an applicable elite allele for GD, with an additive effect of 4. 64. After plant height was adjusted to an identical level, RM80-160bp was detected as an applicable elite allele for PN, with an additive effect of 0. 62, and RM448-240bp was detected as an applicable elite allele for GD, with an additive effect of 3.89. These applicable elite alleles could be used to improve target traits without influencing the other two traits.



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