首页> 中文期刊>口腔颌面修复学杂志 >酸碱环境下循环载荷对氧化锆/饰面瓷叠层瓷抗弯强度的影响




目的:比较酸碱唾液浸泡环境下动态循环加载对氧化锆/饰面瓷叠层瓷抗弯强度的影响.方法:制作氧化锆/饰面瓷叠层瓷圆片试件45个,随机分为酸性、碱性及中性浸泡三组,循环加载10000次后进行双轴弯曲测试.用二参数Weibull分析法对数据进行分析.结果:中性环境下的弯曲强度值最大,碱性环境下的弯曲强度值最小.pH=7组的平均抗弯强度比pH=4组高14%左右,而比pH=8组高45%左右.本实验测得到的Weibull模量值分别是pH=7组15.5,pH=4组15.3,pH=8组8.9.R2值分别是pH=7组0.98,pH=4组0.97,pH=8组0.94.结论:牙科氧化锆全瓷修复材料使用后出现性能下降的疲劳现象,与牙科陶瓷修复体处于不同酸碱度唾液环境有关.%Objective: To determine the influence of cyclic loading test under different storage mediums condition on the bi-axial flexural strength of veneering porcelain for zirconia. Methods: Standardized disc specimens (16mm×1.6mm) were pre-loaded 10,000 cycles, stored in pH7, pH 4 and pH 8 environment separately and then biaxial flexural strength was tested. The Weibull statistical approach was also utilized in order to describe the reliability of the failure strength data. Results: Discs showed the highest flexural strength in pH 7 and the lowest in pH 8. The flexural strength of the discs in pH 7 was approximately 14% higher than that in pH 4 and 45% higher than that in pH 8. Weibull modulus under pH=7, pH=4, pH=8 were 15.5, 15.3, 8.9, respectively. R2 values under pH=7, pH=4, pH=8 were 0.98, 0.97, 0.94, respectively. Conclusion: The result in this study was help to guide the clinical application of all-ceramics dental crown, which was suffered from bi-axial flexural strength at different storage mediums.



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