首页> 中文期刊>极地研究 >南极磷虾中的氟对大鼠软组织的毒性评估




应用动物实验模型,通过喂食Wistar大鼠南极磷虾,并设置对照组和相同氟剂量的氟化钠组,来评估、比较磷虾中氟的毒性.染毒结束取大鼠组织,进行苏木精和伊红(H-E)染色,观察切片病理变化,结果显示:对照组、磷虾组、氟化钠组大鼠体重及脏器系数没有显著性差异;对照组大鼠肝脏、肾脏、脾脏、脑组织未出现病变,磷虾组大鼠这四种组织均表现出少量病变,氟化钠组大鼠这四种组织的病变更加显著,反映了磷虾氟的毒性确实相对较低;对照组、磷虾组、氟化钠组的睾丸组织也没有发现病变.这些结果表明尽管南极磷虾氟的毒性较氟化钠低,但直接大量食用南极磷虾仍会对大鼠的软组织有一定的毒害作用,南极磷虾在开发作为食物时需要进行脱壳等脱氟处理.%The toxicity of fluorine (F) in Antarctic krill was evaluated using laboratory rats. There were three groups in the experiment; the control group, the krill treatment group (150 mg · kg F) , and the sodium fluoride (NaF) treatment group (150 mg · kg-1 F). After three months, the rats were dissected and tissue samples were collected from the liver, kidney, spleen, brain, and testis. Morphological changes in the cells of these tissues were assessed using HE staining. There were no significant differences in the weight and viscera coefficients among the three groups. In the treatment groups some pathological changes were observed in all soft tissue samples except testis, although there were fewer pathological changes in the krill treatment group than in the NaF treatment group. The toxicity of F in Antarctic krill was therefore lower than an equivalent amount of F in NaF, but it was still toxic to rats consuming large amounts of krill. The findings of this study highlight the need for further investigations into the human consumption of krill.



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