首页> 中文期刊> 《中华小儿外科杂志》 >离断性肾盂成型治疗小儿先天性肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻147例分析



Dismembered pyeloplasty has been done for correcting congenital uretero-pelvic obstruction on 171 kidneys of 147 patients.129 were boys and 18 girls,aged between newborn and 13 years.The lesion was bilateral in 42 patients,left-sided in 78 and right-sided in 27.Six patients had unilateral renal agenesis,and 4 had had a contralateral nephrectomy in other hospitals because of hydronephrosis.Most patients(82%)had a palpable abdominal mass on admission.The diagnosis was usually verified by excretory urography with high concentration of contrast medium,and a deayed film to exclude dilatation of ureter.Percutaneous pyelography was usually performec as a supplementary diagnostic procedure.Indication of pyeloplasty was patients Saffering a pyelohydronephrosis of less than 2000 ml.without multiple ureteral strictures Nephrostomy and catheter splinting were practised routinely.There was no operative mortality in this series but 2 patients died 3 months and 2 years respectively after operation.Secondary nephrectomies were required in 4 unilateral cases due to unsuccessful pyeloplasty, a nephrostomy tube remained in a boy with a solitary kidney.Satisfactory result with remission of symptoms was obtained in 164 kidneys(96%)of 147 patients.%@@ Anderson-Hynes离断性肾盂成型适用于绝大多数肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻病例.我们应用此法治疗147例(171侧),术后164侧(96%)梗阻解除,症状消失,效果满意.



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