首页> 中文期刊> 《中华小儿外科杂志》 >新生儿巨结肠的临床与病理



Fourteen male neonates underwent a modified Duhamal method-primary resectiom and ring clamp crushing anastomosis during the past two years.The timing of operation was from 16 to 50 days,11 of the patients were under one month.Thirteen cases had agood prognosis.The fibercolonscope examination of 11 cases demonstrated that the mucosa of each part of the colon containing of the anastomosis was pink and smooth.The entirely resected colons of this series were examined microscopically and stained with HE,PAS,and Foot's methods.In comparison with the colons of 10 newborns that died of causes other than enteric disease the pathological speciality of this series was as follows:(1)each layer of the megacolon was thicker than those of the centrel giving a ratio of 1:1.18(1:1.83 in the control);(2)the epithelia of the proximal colon showed the features of superficial inflammation,such as flat or shed epithelium and inflammatory cells infiltration,etc.,and(3)at the aganglionic segment,the bottom of the mueomembraneous gland cavity widened variously,but the upper or middle part was relatively narrow.These changes might be the result of intestinal distention and increasing local pressure and could aggravate as the duration of aganglionosis prolonged.The authors consider that early diagnosis and treatment with a pull-through pxocedures in neonatal period could reduce both the mortality and incidence of enterocolitis.%新生儿巨结肠应早期手术根治.本文14例新生儿巨结肠行手术根治,术后随访疗效满意.全组病例术前均有不同程度的结肠炎表现.结合病理组织学观察和统计分析,主要病理变化为:肌间和粘膜下可见"病态神经丛";肠壁肥厚,纵肌与环肌厚度比例失调,粘膜浅表性炎症,粘液腺体受累,PAS反应减弱,柱状上皮扁平或脱落,固有膜增宽、裸露,以及远端结肠粘膜腺体"球拍现象"形成.



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